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How to Choose the Best Skin & Coat Supplements for Your Dogs

How to Choose the Best Skin & Coat Supplements for Your Dogs

The skin is the largest organ of the body and the first line of defense against external insults. The coat, on the other hand, acts as an additional barrier that protects the skin from the environment.

Since both play a critical role in maintaining a dog's overall well-being, it's important to always care about your dog's skin and coat health. And the easiest and most effective way to do so is by embedding an effective supplementation into your dog's daily diet.

In this article, Pet&Cuddle dog specialists explain what makes the best skin and coat supplements, their forms and popular ingredients, and answer some commonly asked questions to help you find out the best supplementation option for your four-paw friend.  

How to Choose the Best Joint Supplements for Your Dog

How to Choose the Best Joint Supplements for Your Dog

As we age, it’s common to start feeling aches and pains in our joints, and our furry loved ones aren’t any different. If you've noticed your doggy having difficulty with their mobility or experiencing arthritis pain, dog joint supplements may be worth considering.

This comprehensive guide will share the essentials of choosing joint supplements for canines. We'll discuss the common forms and major benefits of such, signs that your dog needs joint supplementation support and some common recommendations about the ingredients to look for in the best-rated supplements for dogs' joints. Let's dive in!

How to Choose the Best Hip Supplements for Your Dog

How to Choose the Best Hip Supplements for Your Dog

Hip problems in dogs can lead to discomfort, pain, and reduced mobility, and can be especially prevalent in larger breeds or as dogs age. But with the right supplements, you can help support your dog's joint health and prevent these issues from arising.

In this article, we'll explore how to find the best supplements to support your dog's hip health and enhance the physical and emotional well-being of your best doggy. In particular, we'll analyze the benefits of hip supplements for dogs, common forms and key ingredients of dog supplements, as well as answer some popular questions about dog hip supplements to help you come up with the best decision.